The Secret Memo to Derail Financial Reform

A reader pointed me to Joe Weisenthal’s Business Insider article based on a HuffPo piece that was itself based on a secret memo by Frank Luntz designed to kill any regulatory reform of Wall Street.

Luntz is the political consultant and pollster who has figured out precisely how to speak to the American public. He extensively uses focus groups and interviews to “find the right words and phrases” to influence political debate. He is a student of Orwell’s Essay On Language, taking the writers warnings against mass manipulations and using them to, well, mass manipulate:

“To be ‘Orwellian’ is to speak with absolute clarity, to be succinct, to explain what the event is, to talk about what triggers something happening… and to do so without any pejorative whatsoever.” (NPR)

Luntz has been a key factor in the debate on Global Warming (he renamed it “Climate Change”), oil drilling (new name: “energy exploration”) Health Care, and now Financial Reform.

Have a read of his memo designed to defeat the reform of TBTF Banks and Wall Street, and see for yourself if he is an evil genius or not . . .


See also:
The Secret Memo To Kill Financial Regulatory Reform

REVEALED: The Secret GOP Playbook For Killing Financial Reform
Joe Weisenthal | Feb. 3, 2010, 6:43 AM

Frank Luntz Pens Memo To Kill Financial Regulatory Reform
HuffPo, 02- 1-10 10:37 AM

Frank Luntz Explains ‘Words That Work’
NPR, January 9, 2007

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