Tuesday Reads

Been out of pocket all afternoon — gotta catch up! Here are few items that I will be reading on the train home:

Oh, and I am doing this in real time. You can watch this list come together (keep refreshing Done!)

• Dow at New 17-Month High (WSJ)
• Google Is Hiring Bond Traders (Business Insider)
• Feinberg Cuts Cash Pay by a Third at Five U.S. Firms  (Bloomberg)
• Pressure grows to overhaul Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac (LA Times)
• Oil reserves ‘exaggerated by one third’  (Telegraph)
• Republican lawmakers stir up the ‘tea party’ crowd (WaPo)
• Too big to fail is too costly to continue (FT)
• Broken China (Fortune)
• The top five brief and blunt Steve Jobs email replies (Mac Daily)
• Google to China: Your move (GMSV)
• Astronomy Picture of the Day (NASA/Astropix)

Whats are you reading?

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