Financial Reform Commercial (Updated)

I made a few tweaks to the earlier draft of this — its now tighter and more specific:


The screen is dark. There is a soft heartbeat in the background

White letters appear on the screen: 1998 Glass Steagall Repeal
Voiceover: In 1998, Congress repealed the Glass Steagall act. It had kept banks separated from Wall Street since 1932 (pause) . . . After the repeal?
(Citigroup, Countrywide, and Washington Mutual logos on screen. They shatter and collapse).
Voiceover: Major banks collapsed, and we had the worse recession in generations
(Heartbeat gets a little louder and quicker).

White letters  Commodity Future Modernization Act of 2000
Voiceover: In 2000, Congress passed the Commodity Future Modernization Act. It made Derivatives completely free from all oversight and regulation (pause) . . . The result?
(AIG logo appears . . . and explodes)
Voiceover: The AIG collapse cost taxpayers $185 billion in bailouts.
(Heartbeat is now louder and faster).

Letters: 2004 Wall Street gets SEC approval for radically increased leverage
Voiceover: In 2004, the 5 biggest investment houses requested a special SEC waiver to radically increase their leverage (pause) . . . The result?
(Logos appear; Bear Stearns, Lehman roll into view, with a burning fuse, then blow up; Merrill Lynch turns gray — and keels over; Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley spiderweb crack — but don’t fall)
Voiceover:  Lehman & Bear — gone. Merrill Lynch rescued by billions of Taxpayer dollars. Goldman and Morgan borrowed billions from Uncle Sam.
(Heartbeat is very rapid and loud).

More white letters: 2010 Financial Reform legislation . . . is . . . blocked
(heartbeat stops . . .  screen fades to white light)

Voiceover: Wall Street Lobbyists are blocking financial reform in Congress . . . but YOU can help move it forward.
(heartbeat starts again)
Tell your congressman and senator to stop listening to Wall St lobbyists, and pass financial reform NOW.

Bold lettering fades in and out rapidly:

-Regulate Derivatives
-Mandate Capital Requirements
-Stop Too Big To Fail
-Restore partnership liability to Investment Houses
-Rein in Ratings Agencies

Because the last thing any of us wants is another financial heart attack.

Lettering:  Please pass financial reform . . . or else.
(heartbeat stops, letter replaced with flatlined EKG)
Lettering:  Call your congressman today  (phone number)

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