Will Mortgage-Implode Be Harrassed Into Bankruptcy?

Aaron Krowne writes:

Not too surprising given the mixed record of courts on anti-SLAPP, but particularly frustrating given that everything was included in our filings to address the court’s “rationale” for denying the motion:

In Bizarre Ruling, Maryland Court Denies ML-Implode.com Anti-SLAPP Motion Against Downpayment Launderer

I am left to conclude that the courts don’t really read these proceedings with anything resembling the completeness necessary to make a fair decision, and that the result would probably have been very different with a couple high-profile amici (as on our New Hampshire anti-SLAPP suit).

Anyway, we will likely have to file bankruptcy as a result (both financially and tactically), as we continue to be sued by these folks who have no legal business, for criticizing their outlawed business.

That would be very sad news indeed.

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