The 14 Most Strident Critics of Obama

I found this piece — which was published at Salon while I was on vacay — to be amusing:

“Meet the Cassandras, 14 economists, bloggers, politicians and businesspeople of all political stripes who have become the most strident critics of President Obama’s stewardship of the economy . . .

I find this terribly ironic. All I heard during W’s reign of error was what a partisan basher I was. Mind you, I was not an objective critic of bad policies, nor a skeptical observer of a cynical, media manipulating outright bullshitter — it was I who was partisan.

Funny, none of those same accusers seem to mind when I critique Team Obama. (Projection is a funny thing).

Back to Salon:

“Here’s a guide to the prophets of doom. We’ve identified them, attempted to ascertain the moment when they first turned against the White House, and summarized the basic points of their critique. We’ve included economists, members of the business community, bloggers and, just for fun, two of the most anti-Obama Republicans we could dig up.

I find this sort of stuff terribly amusing . . .


The prophets of doom
Andrew Leonard
Salon, Apr. 16, 2009

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