Louie: Best New Show on TV


I have been dying to talk about a show starring one of my favorite comedians: Louie C K. His new FX comedy show is just called Louie.

Unlike Lucky Louie, his offbeat HBO show, where he played a blue collar joe, this show is actually about him.  It is also written, directed and executive produced by Louis C.K.

Any sitcom about a stand up comedian, and the observational humor will naturally draw comparisons to Seinfeld, as well as Curb Your Enthusiasm. But there are key differences:

• Louie is stand up comedian, and the show is about him and his life. He is (obviously) intelligent, but forlorn, with a dark cloud always hovering nearby.

• The stand up part of the show isn’t schtick or a an overt plot device — its much more real and raw and relevant. It occasionally veers, almost accidentally, into joy. Seinfeld dropped the stand up part of the show, as it was unnecessary. Having seen Louis CK a few times live (hysterical), the show’s stand up is very reminiscent of LCK’s actual stage presence, lending itself to his fatalistic sense of humor.

• Seinfeld is a much more upbeat guy than Louie is. They both are insightful observers of humans, but where Jerry is disgusted by people and reacts sardonically, Louie is disgusted by all people — including himself. He knows its hopeless . . . hilarity ensues.

• Larry David’s over the top universe of self destruction yields insane and funny situations. They are outrageous and hysterical and ready for HBO. Louie’s world seems far more real, the exception being an utterly surreal airplane trip to the South.

• Louie is quasi-autobiographical — it is a loose version of a successful stand-up comedian, a newly single father raising his two daughters — just like Louis CK.

• For a taste of LCK, check out his HBO One Night Stand — its brilliant, but his raunchier comedy isn’t for everyone. Try this hilarious NSFW vid, (I find it terribly amusing).

Regardless, the show is the best new comedy on TV (episodes here).  It was just picked up for another 13 episodes by FX today.

Whether you like Seinfeld/Curb or not, you should give this one a chance on its own. FX, Tuesday nights at 11.

-Louis C.K. On Joy Behar: I Just Had A Vasectomy (VIDEO)

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