Life, Inc.

Relative to yesterday’s commentary (The Left Right Paradigm is Over: Its You vs. Corporations), is this Douglas Rushkoff commentary.

I disagree with some of it — you don’t have to sell out to succeed — but its thought provoking nonetheless:

In Life Inc., award-winning writer, documentary filmmaker, and scholar Douglas Rushkoff traces how corporations went from a convenient legal fiction to the dominant fact of contemporary life. Indeed as Rushkoff shows, most Americans have so willingly adopted the values of corporations that they’re no longer even aware of it.

This fascinating journey reveals the roots of our debacle, from the late Middle Ages to today. From the founding of the chartered monopoly to the branding of the self; from the invention of central currency to the privatization of banking; from the birth of the modern, self-interested individual to his exploitation through the false ideal of the single-family home; from the Victorian Great Exhibition to the solipsism of MySpace; the corporation has infiltrated all aspects of our daily lives. Life Inc. exposes why we see our homes as investments rather than places to live, our 401k plans as the ultimate measure of success, and the Internet as just another place to do business.

Life Inc. The Movie from Douglas Rushkoff on Vimeo.

Douglas Rushkoff

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