Daily Beast: 15 Most Important Economic Journalists

Since enough of you emailed me about this Daily beast silliness, I guess I will briefly address it:

It is humbling to be acknowledged, and I appreciate that, but a) if you use a very loose definition of what I do — squint at it from a great distance — you can almost call it journalism (but not really); perhaps it can be better described as “New Media.”

Aside from the error of including yours truly, I have a few issues with the overall list:

1. Me ahead of Abelson? Um, that’s wrong.

2. Where is Andrew Ross Sorkin? He wields a huge amount of influence at the NYT’s Dealbook. Floyd Norris and Joe Nocera of the Times are also very influential.

3. Gasparino terrified execs when he was at CNBC — I’m not sure if that he still has the same clout since moving to Fox Business.

4. Speaking of which: No one from CNBC ? How is THAT possible?

5. There are a run of very influential hedge fund managers — Jim Chanos, Doug Kass, David Einhorn, Jim Rogers, Felix Zualuf David Tepper, and others. These guys move markets.

6. Love him or Hate him, Jim Cramer is hugely influential — and is much closer to a journalist than the hedge fund managers above.

7. Tom Keene of Bloomberg Radio & TV

8. Mike Santoli of Barrons

9. Jon Hilsenrath of WSJ is also missing, as are many other reporters there

10. Amity Shlaes? WTF is she doing on that list?

Here’s the Daily Beast:

Acknowledging the centrality of economics in our public discourse, The Daily Beast has set out to identify the most important commentators on the subject in the American media, canvassing a total of 100 academics, Wall Streeters and managers in industry. A few ground rules: We have limited our list to journalist-commentators, excluding academic economists who write frequently for the popular media (such as Nouriel Roubini of NYU, John Taylor of the Hoover Institution and Stanford, Jagdish Bhagwati of Columbia, Robert Frank of Cornell and others.). This is not a list of the most consequential economists, for therein lies mayhem! Instead, it is a list of those who interpret our economic life for us.

We have included the Financial Times as part of the “American” media, and also—in spite of our “no academics” rule—included Paul Krugman of Princeton (and The New York Times). It was the view of far too many of those we canvassed that excluding him would be, as one professor put it, “very silly indeed.”

The full list is here; My link is here (click #4).


15 Most Important Economic Journalists
Tunku Varadarajan
Daily Beast, October 4, 2010


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