Limericks Économiques

Ahhh, the joy of the random click. I don’t know how I stumbled across these here, but who does not enjoy the occasionally snarky limerick — especially on a rainy Friday afternoon?

Try these few:

The Hindenburg Omen
A little-known stock chart formation
Claims to presage a market deflation;
Did the ominous name
Bring the “Omen” to fame,
Or is there a true correlation?

Not Enough Firepower
Said Bernanke, “I wish there were eight of me
To confront unemployment creatively;
In our current position,
We lack ammunition
To ease into growth quantitatively.”

Austrian Angst
The Austrian School is at pains
To hinder that stimulus reigns,
But to make matters worse
They’re bested in verse,
For much less rhymes with Hayek than Keynes.

The New American Dream
The Smiths, of 212 Willow Lane,
Thought their mortgage a terrible strain;
They defaulted and then
Moved next door to 210,
Where they rent, and are solvent a-gain.

If you like those, a few others I like as well follow the jump:

Overheard at the US Treasury
“When its value had sunk to iotas,
We took over General Motors;
With a value correction
In time for elections,
We’ll sell on behalf of the voters.”

Let’s Deleverage First
The analysts watching obsessively
For consumers to spend more aggressively
May sometimes forget
We’ve got most of the debt
That we borrowed and spent so excessively.

Greek Debt Crisis, Explained
There are two indisputable facts
That toppled the Greeks on their backs:
Every third Greek today
Works for government pay,
And the rest are evading their tax.

Bank Failure Analysis
The credit crunch left deadly traces
On banks found in high and low places;
The research clearly shows,
As many suppose,
Loans on homes were to blame in most cases.

Deleveraging or Defaulting?
US consumer debts’ lightening
Has been thought to result from belts’ tightening,
But those falling exposures
Have tracked loan foreclosures,
Which leads to conclusions more frightening.

Great stuff !

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