Happy Travels

via the New Yorker:

By Ed Fisher, September 2, 1972.


By Peter Steiner, December 3, 2001.


By Robert Leighton, January 10, 2005.


Oh, and one other thing: Your emergency number:

TSA Public Affairs
(571) 227-2829

If you get stopped by security, and they are acting inappropriately — call the number


Members of the traveling public who believe that they have been unlawfully discriminated against by a TSA employee may contact the External Compliance Division in the Office of Civil Rights to have their concerns addressed, by sending an E-mail to TSA.OCR -ExternalCompliance@dhs.gov or by calling the Office of Civil Rights.

The Office of Civil Rights can be reached toll free at 1-877-EEO-4-TSA (1-877-336-4872) or (800) 877-8339 (TTY), or by E-mail at TSA-ContactCenter@dhs.gov

contact the Ombudsman, phone 1-571-227-2383 or 1-877-266-2837 toll-free.

E-mail: TSA.Ombudsman@dhs.gov

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