Caroline Baum’s New Year’s Resolution

Caroline Baum — Bloomberg’s snarky, sardonic columnist — imagines New Year’s resolutions for various Wall Street players:

• President Obama promises his base he will attend a weekly meeting of Tax Cutters Anonymous.

• Securities and Exchange Commission pledges to find someone, somewhere who is responsible for some kind of wrongdoing;

• Ben Bernanke promises to cut up his U.S.A. credit card;

• New York Fed president Bill Dudley resolves to explain how it is the Fed can target inflation to the nearest 0.5 percentage point when it missed the mother of all housing and credit bubbles;

• Sarah Palin, former governor of Alaska and Republican phenom, pledges to finish digesting the 800-odd pages (paperback edition) of Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz’s, “A Monetary History of the United States.”

• Caroline Baum pledges not to pick on Alan Greenspan anymore . . .

There are more at Bloomberg . . .


Blankfein, Palin Toy With New Year’s Resolutions
Caroline Baum
Bloomberg, Dec. 27 2010

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