Late Day Reads

Here is what’s on my Instapaper:

• The Von Mises Prophecy Explained (Mercenary Trader)

• Inside ‘Anonymous’: tales from within the group taking aim at Amazon and Mastercard (Guardian)

• Wall Street Sees Record Revenue in ’09-10 Recovery From Bailout (Bloomberg)

• Feds block workers from WikiLeaks, mirror sites (C/Net)

Let Us Pay:John Lanchester on the future of the newspaper industry (London Review of Books)

• The Stunt ManCan CollegeHumor’s Ricky Van Veen turn viral funny into the future of TV? (New York  Mag)

Do I Love My Wife? An Investigative Report. One married man, a machine that can read his mind, and a head-to-head matchup between his wife… and Angelina Jolie. Sounds like no good can come of this. (Esquire)

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