More Illegal Foreclosure Bank Break-Ins
I wonder if you could go to a Bank CEO’s home, break into his house, and throw out all of his personal possessions — family...
Apple, Google, NewsCorp and the Future of Content
Quick housekeeping note: IF I write an e-letter this week it will be earlier in the week. There will be no letter’s next week then we...
And in ETF News
NEW YORK (Big Picture Exclusive) – Gargantuan money manager Blackrock reported on Friday that assets in U.S.-listed exchange-traded...
Greenlight Capital’s David Einhorn on Bloomberg Television
Greenlight’s David Einhorn appeared on “In the Loop” with Betty Liu and Jon Erlichman. He said that too-big-to-fail...
Both Liberals and Conservatives Hate Corporate Socialism (Where...

Tuesday Long Reads
Here’s the latest additions to my Instapaper: • The great bank heist of 2010: Wall Street wins, Main Street pays — again ...
Merriam-Webster’s most searched word in 2010: Austerity
I have been saying that I think this rally could end sometime next year. That was before I saw the word of the year: Austerity. I am...
Inflation stat update
Market inflation signals stat update: The prospect of higher inflation continues to join the rise in equity prices. Since Aug 26th, the...
Kass: Surprises for 2011
Doug Kass has been teasing Fast Money watchers, dribbling out his “Unexpected Surprises.” (He will be dropping two more per...