AIG Doc SEC Dubbed “Confidential” Until 2018...
This is the document the Congressman was talking about during his opening remarks in today’s committee interviews — It was...
How Many Quants Does It Take to Screw in a Lightbulb?
Matthew Greenfield of StoneWork Capital answers the above question thusly: “Using ten racks of co-located blade servers, one quant...
FOMC speaks and one actually stands out
The FOMC statement is almost identical to the last one in Dec. The comments on both the economy and inflation were little changed and...
FOMC: No Change in Rates
From the FOMC statement: This stood out: “Voting against the policy action was Thomas M. Hoenig, who believed that economic and...
Ring of Fire
Interesting chart from Bill Gross, on the eve of the SOTU address. You will note that missing from the chart is the $5.5 trillion in...
Help Wanted: Quant for Model Development
A successful fund manager friend is developing a new Model for running assets. He has a solid math background, but needs a good quant to...
Dec New Home Sales light but Nov revised up
Dec New Home Sales, a measure of contract signings of new homes, totaled 342k annualized, 24k below estimates but Nov was revised up by...
Our new world economic order and other things
If there ever was a day that encapsulates the new economic world we live in, it is today. The President in his State of the Union address...