Dear Mark Cuban: Please Buy the NY Mets

I remember my first  baseball game: Yankees vs Detroit Tigers. I was in first grade, and my dad took me to Yankee stadium from Teaneck, N.J. where we lived.

The seats were directly behind home plate, but several levels up. We walked out from the maze of stairs into the brightly lit stadium, the brilliant green outfield illuminated by the stadium lights. It was magical.

Five Years later, we moved to Long Island. The NY Mets were the more convenient team to see, closer geographically, and easier to get to by car or rail. But for 1986 (my first year of grad school), being a Met fan has been a punishing ordeal.

Perhaps it is the only good that Bernie Madoff has ever done: Courtesy of that enormous and unconscionable theft, the Mets current owner, Fred Wilpon, is now selling the team.

I read this morning that you are not interested in pursuing the Mets. You say you learned your lesson. But you may have learned the wrong lessons, pursuing the wrong teams.

Mark, bubula, let me explain to you why this team is perfect for you.

1) Met’s stadium (Citi Field) was just completely rebuilt from the ground up — in many ways, architecturally and from a an perspective, ti is arguably much better than Yankee Stadium.

2) You could be a two league sports whiz, a feat that very very few people have accomplished. Even Michael Jordan whiffed when he tried to baseball to his basketball resume.

3) This is NY, a town that loves success, a winner, a money maker. It also is a town that could desperately use a savvy sports entrepreneur. We had to go to Russia to get one for hoops, surely you could out compete the Russkie on our home turf.

4. It would be very healthy to give the beloved (by us, hated by Bostonans) NY Yankees some home town competition. It would make the Yankees better, the Mets better — Hell, it would make the entire city better.

5. September is lovely in NY. And for baseball fans, October is even better We have an office in Dallas, and I don’t need to tell you how brutal the late summer early Autumn can be  can be. This would give you an excuse to come here.

6. Do you know Mike Bloomberg? Helluva a guy, and a helluva good mayor. He could end up as President one day, and he’d be a good guy to know. Think about it: Ambassador Cuban. Has a nice ring to it, don’t you think.

7. You could do what no one else has ever done: Make the Mets a consistently winning team.

There are many more reasons than this, but the bottom line is: You know you want this. We know you want this. You can play coy a little longer, but don’t dawdle. Forget Stevie Cohen, I hear Goldman Sachs is interested in the team as well . . .

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