Sooloos: Home Media System

Previously, we looked at the Brennan JB7 Digital Jukebox. Today, we step it up to look at the Sooloos Home Media System.

I cannot figure out if this Sooloos system is the greatest thing since sliced bread, or the most overpriced audio system in the history of mankind. Or both.

I wonder if I could recreate nearly all of this with 3 cheap 500GB drives in a raid array, any computer to rip 1000s of CDs lossless onto the hard drives,which themselves will be managed by iTunes. Then add an iMac or iPad to control it, and an iPhone/iPod Touch to act as a remote via wifi. (Any suggestions?)

Back to the Sooloos:

The front end of this is the Control 15, a gorgeous touch screen with equisitely rendered software management database for music, at the astonishing price of  $7500 (down from $8,250).

Then comes the Media Core 200 — “a complete Meridian Sooloos Digital Media System in a single, compact unit,” also known as a hard drive. Its controlled by an iPad, iPhone, computer, etc.  The Media Core 200 costs $4,000 — and requires an iPad to complete the system.

Lastly, the Media Source 600, a piece that integrates this into an audio system, creates additional room access, etc. . It contains a 500GB hard drive, outputs and a retail price of $4,000.


There has to be a more reasonable way to achieve the same results.

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