No, Regulations Are Not The Biggest Threat to the Economy in a Century . . .

I am aghast.

I am watching Squawk Box, and the stream of misstatements, political jargon, and sheer falsity is overwhelming me.

Let me clarify this for you, Joe Kernan: You want to know what the biggest threat to the economy in a century was? RECKLESS OVERLEVERAGED, UNDER-CAPITALIZED BANKERS and the COLLAPSE OF THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM THEY CAUSED.

Remember that little glitch? I know it was a long time ago wat back in 2009, but THAT is and remains the biggest threat to the economy.

Hey Squawk Producers! Please book me as a guest host (again). I will happily spend 3 hours correcting Joe Kernan about the errors of his assumptions, biases and cognitive foibles to everyone’s lasting benefit.

The only drawback is that whence the show is over, it will require a team of experts to reassemble the little Kernan bits back into a television host . . .

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