Crowd Source: Get Yours and Get Out
I am trying to track down an expression and its original source I saw some time ago. It is some variation of: Get Yours and Get Out Get...
MERS Swallowed Your Mortgage

The Department of Justice Plays Fast and Loose to Protect the...
Washington’s Blog strives to provide real-time, well-researched and actionable information. George – the head writer at...
Horsetail Falls
Yosemite Nature Notes – Episode 14 – Horsetail Fall Horsetail Fall is a small, ephemeral waterfall that flows over the...
Are Booming Economies Good for the Markets?
Are Booming Economies Good for the Markets? By John Mauldin March 5, 2011 ~~~ The Delusion of Crowds and the Endgame Let the Good Times...
Coming Soon? County & State Litigation vs MERS
Here comes some long overdue trouble: “Guilford County Register of Deeds Jeff Thigpen wants an investigation into a service used by...
More Mortgage Madness . . .
I have a ton of errands to get to this weekend (including some WaPo stuff) but before I run out the door, I simply MUST direct your...
TDS: Diane Ravitch on Teaching
Diane Ravitch believes education reform should focus on getting children out of poverty, not finding the bad teachers. (08:11) The Daily...