Fade the Inflation Hysteria: Gipper Edition

As I believe there is a tremendous amount of revisionist history going on surrounding the Reagan era as it relates to economic and fiscal policy, I’ve begun to research available online archives, including the The American Presidency Project.  One never knows what one will find upon diving into a research project, but surprises are always to be expected.  And so today’s tidbit:

It appears the Gipper would tell all of today’s inflationistas to relax and stop running around with their hair on fire:

Surges of inflation are not unusual in history; there were price explosions after both World Wars, as well as smaller outbursts in the 1920s and late 1930s. Therefore, in spite of the role played by food and energy prices in recent inflationary outbursts, it is misleading to concentrate on these transitory factors as fundamental causes of the inflationary bias in the American economy.

I agreed with President Reagan here and here.

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