Phrase of the Day: “Filter Bubble”

This is exactly the sot of thing that investors need tio stay on guard against: filter bubble.

These are the search results, commentaries, recommendations, and other online data that have been filtered to match your predisposition, biases, and interests. Thus, they prevent you from seeing any data that challenges your assumptions, beliefs or positions.


Example Citations:

Those same kind of surprises don’t seem to happen to me the same way with online information. In the digital world, I find myself tending toward existing in a self-selected filter bubble. It’s the difference between getting too much of what I like and not enough of what I need.
—Kevin Griffin, “Front: Your Former Vancouver Art Magazine,” The Vancouver Sun, June 24, 2011
The real danger, right now, is losing engagement due to people finding themselves in a filter bubble, where people are never challenged by viewpoints that oppose what they already think.
—Duncan Geere, “Clicktivism’s assault on dictators, politics and NGOs,” Wired UK, June 23, 2011
Earliest Citation:
Eli terms this phenomenon a “filter bubble” — a special sort of echo chamber. The better our filters get, the less likely we are to be exposed to something novel, unexpected, or uncomfortable.
—Ethan Zuckerman, “Eli Pariser on Filter Bubbles,” My heart’s in Accra,” June 3, 2010

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