10 Spot: Thursday Morning Reads

This is what I am reading this morning:

Martin Wolf: Why austerity alone risks a disaster (FT)
• Threat of $100bn hit if US top rating lost (FT)
David Wessel: Prescriptions to Revive Recovery (WSJ)
• Iceland Shows Default Doesn’t Lead to a Deep Freeze (Yahoo Finance)
• How Easy Is It to Forecast Commodity Prices? (New York Fed)
• A Greek tragedy in 3 parts:
. . -The Greek Charade, Act II: Europeans Keep Kicking the Can (Daily Ticker)
. . -Ailing Greece Tries National Tag Sale (WSJ)
. . -Is a Greek default so bad for Greece? (BBC News)
• New Investment Strategy: Preparing for End Times (Deal Book)
• News Corporation Sells MySpace for $35 Million (NYT)
• How much will our wars cost? Report says $4 trillion (The Lookout)
• Digitally remastered – The recorded-music business learns to love its enemy (The Economist)

What are you reading?

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