What Will the Press Mistakenly Focus on Today?

Here’s a Wordle of the April 27th FOMC press Q&A (only):

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“Inflation” ruled the day by a longshot.

NOTE:  I have removed the words “Chairman,” “Bernanke,” and “economy.”  According to Wordle, the word “jobs” did not appear, or at least not sufficiently to make the cut (though the singular “job” did; it’s a bit southwest of “Inflation”) .  “Unemployment” is east of “Inflation,” “Employment”  just southwest of “job.”

To the press corps:  Inflation was not then — and is not now — our most pressing issue.  The labor market — unemployment and jobs (and how we’re going to create them) — is.  Please focus your attention on that, at least until Kim Kardashian or Snooki does something noteworthy and you have to move on.  Thank you.

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