Fukushima: IAEA International Fact-Finding Mission Updates


A team of international nuclear safety experts today completed a preliminary assessment of the safety issues linked with TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident following the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. The team – created by an agreement of the IAEA and the Government of Japan – sought to identify lessons learned from the accident that can help improve nuclear safety around the world.

To conduct its work, the team held extensive discussions with officials from the full range of Japanese nuclear-related agencies and visited three nuclear sites, including the nuclear power plant at TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi. These visits gave the team a first-hand appreciation of the scale of devastation wreaked by the earthquake and tsunami on 11 March and of the extraordinary efforts Japanese workers have been applying ever since to stabilize the situation.

IAEA Fact-Finding Team Completes Visit to Japan (June 2011)

Full report:

Cn200 Final Fukushima Mission Report

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