10 Saturday Reads

Some links for your weekend reading pleasure:

• ETFs: The Loan and Short of It (WSJ)
• Debt-Limit Shuffle Buys Time for ‘Something Big’ (Bloomberg)
• Two ‘geezers’ who are bullish (Market Watch)
• Only further stimulus can tackle America’s jobless, wage-less recovery (FT) see also The Trouble With Balanced Budgets (Economix)
• How the bubble destroyed the middle class (Market Watch)
• Half of US social program recipients believe they “have not used a government social program” (BoingBoing) see alsoHas the GOP given up on repealing ‘ObamaCare’? (The Week)
• Did Apple’s iPod Create U.S. Jobs? (Time)
• 15 Accidentally Awesome Inventions (Business Pundit)
• Agony and Ivory (Vanity Fair)
The Terrazzo Jungle: Fifty years ago, the mall was born. America would never be the same. (New Yorker)

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