Thursday Reading List

Here is what I will be reading after ushering in the New Year :

• Notes from the DoubleLine Lunch with Jeffrey Gundlach (TRB)
• Europe Financial Meltdown Converging With Slump Seen by Investors in Poll (Bloomberg) see also Another Greek SPV plan (Alphaville)
• How’s that short-selling ban working out for you? (Alphaville)
• Real-estate developer Stephen Ross Tries to Buy Banks, decides they ain’t worth it (WSJ)
• Rogue to the Rescue: UBS Scandal Reinforces Need for Strict Volcker Rule (Pro Publica)
• 5 money moves a debt-crisis expert suggest (Market Watch)
• Felix versus Henry Smackdown!
…..-Business Insider and over-aggregation (Reuters)
…..-REUTERS: Please Stop Reading Business Insider And Start Reading Reuters. PLEASE (Business Insider)
• Vast Majority Of Americans Favor Buffett Rule’s Millionaire Tax: Poll (Huff Post)
• Amazon’s New Kindles (Daring Fireball) see also Amazon enters the tablet battle: It’s all about the shopping (Nieman Journalim Lab)
• Facebook Keeps History Of Everyone Who Has Ever Poked You + lots more data (Forbes)

What are you reading?


Oops! Spoke too soon. Here is what the closing Dow looked like

3pm chart is after the jump

Dow Jones Industrial Average — Intra-day reversal  (plus 2.4% to flat)

via Yahoo Finance

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