Weekend “All Double-Feature” Reads

These are what caught my eye for reading this chilly Fall weekend:

Jim Grant interview: Gold Still Looks Good; Japan Still Doesn’t (Barron’s) see also On the Asymmetry of the Impotent Bond Vigilantes (Rortybomb)
• Coppock Curve Killer Wave: Maybe Not So Killer (WSJ) see also Albert Edwards and the killer wave (Alphaville)
Managers: Has John Paulson Lost His Touch? (Businessweek) see also Gundlach Found Liable in Trade Secret Case, but He Wins Back Pay (Deal Book)
• Setting a Price Target for Your Stocks (Barron’s) see also Peeling Back the Market’s P/E (WSJ)
• More Technicals: Debunking the ‘Death Cross’ (WSJ) see also Volatility stymies even smart money (Reuters)
• Potential Buyers Renew Their Interest in Yahoo (Deal Book) see also What’s Yahoo To Do? (Slate)
Bartlett: Obama’s Lack of Focus Could Be Politically Fatal (The Fiscal Times) see also Why China would love ‘President Rick Perry’ (Market Watch)
• All The Dumb Things RIM’s CEOs Said While Apple And Android Ate Their Lunch (Business Insider) see also Apple IPad Data Was Given to Fleishman, Samsung Witness Says (Businessweek)

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