10 Tuesday AM Reads

These are the most interesting items I came across today:

Farell: A new Lost Decade is leading to revolution (Marketwatch) see also On Wall Street, a Protest Matures (Deal Book)
Pomboy: Straight talk from a market contrarian (Fortune)
Nocera: Why the US (like China) Must Commercialize Energy Technologies (NYT) see also A Waste Of Energy? (New Yorker)
Bruce Bartlett: Misrepresentations, Regulations and Jobs (Economix)
• A ‘Robin Hood’ tax is no way to redistribute (Tim Harford) see also A Hard Rain’s Gonna Fall (Epicurean Dealmaker)
Walker Todd: Obama’s Lost Opportunities (Institutional Risk Analytics)
• The Roller Coaster Ride Continues for Madoff Investors (Deal Book)
• Google Joins Apple in Push for Tax Holiday (Bloomberg)
• Drunken parrot season begins in Darwin (Australian Geographic)

What are you reading?

Traders on the Long Side forget to hedge their positions . . .

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