Some reading material to stimulate your brains and start off your weekend:
• Contrary Opinion: Wall of worry gives way to slope of hope (Market Watch)
• Ray Dalio’s radical truth (Institutional Investor)
• More 401(k) Plans, IRAs May Offer Investing Advice (Yahoo Finance)
• The past decade GDP was driven solely by Credit (NYT)
• Occupy Wall Street: It’s Not a Hippie Thing (Businessweek) see also Nothing’s More American than Fighting Greedy Bankers (Tyee)
• European Bank Debt-Guarantee Proposals May Struggle to Thaw Funding Market (Bloomberg)
• Why do we need a financial sector? (Vox) see also Big Banks Blink on New Card Fees (WSJ)
• Mark Thoma on Econometrics (Browser)
• The Hellhound of Wall Street: How Ferdinand Pecora’s Investigation of the Great Crash Forever Changed American Finance (
• The Ideological Fantasies of Inequality Deniers (NY Mag)
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