Mid-Week AM Reads

Here are my morning reads:

• Credit Rating Companies Favoring Borrowers Paying Most (Businessweek)
• EFSF: How Not To Structure A CDO (Euromoney) see also How Likely is a US Transaction Tax for Financial Firms? (Bloomberg)
• What the charts say about the U.S. stock market? (Peter Brandt)
• Tomorrow’s Groupon IPO:
…..-Groupon’s Would-Be Investors Say Amazon Comparisons Don’t Stand Up (Bloomberg)
…..-Groupon’s share offering loses its allure (Guardian)
…..-Can Groupon’s I.P.O. Be Saved?  (Dealbook)
• Creative Destruction: MF Global Fails, BankAtlantic Sells Assets (Institutional Risk Analyst)
• Earnings Eclipsed as Correlations Hit Record on Europe (Businessweek) see also GS Permabull Abby Joseph Cohen: S&P 500 at 33% Discount on Future Profits (Bloomberg)
• Chinese buy Saab. Swedes shrug (Global Post)
• The End of the American Era (National Interest)
• Judges Are for Sale — and Special Interests Are Buying (Time) see also A Campaign to ‘Intimidate America’s State Judges’ (New Politics Report)

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I must admit, I simply do not understand this approach:

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