10 Thursday PM Reads

Afternoon train reading:

• Fed can’t prop up BofA and other banks forever (Fortune) see also Wall Street Pushed Federal Reserve for Europe Action (WSJ)
• AG Martha Coakley sues major US banks over foreclosures (Boston)
• Why Do Foreign Banks Need Dollars? see also (Economix) Merkel Shuns ECB Role in Favor of Budget Limits (Bloomberg)
•  Jobs Friday: What The Geeks Expect (Marketbeat)
• Kass: The Expected Responses from Bears & Bulls (The Street)
• Fundamentals Weighed Down by Fears (WSJ) see also France-Spain Bond Sales Win Investor Backing (Bloomberg)
• Is Suburbia Doomed? Not So Fast. (Forbes)
•  How Austerity is Killing the Euro (Time) see also Dollar Proves Best Bet as Investors Shun Stocks (Bloomberg)
• 12 Things You Didn’t Know Facebook Could Do (Circuits)
• The Always Quotable, Not Perfect Gentleman From Massachusetts (NYT)

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