Clouded Title: The Gross Illegality of MERS

Stocks in ’12, pre printing/post printing
The easier part of Italy’s bond auctions this week took place earlier today as they sold a 2 yr zero coupon bond and a 6 month...
Wednesday AM Reads

WSJ: Why Now is the Time to Buy a BMW or Mercedes
MW and Mercedes-Benz are locked in an expensive race for bragging rights as this year’s top-selling luxury car in the U.S. market,...
Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool…
…than to open it and remove all doubt. Invictus here. I usually know exactly where I’m going when I sit down to write a...
IBD: That Damn Ritholtz is a Member of the Media Elite!
Hey, looks who attacking me now! A reader sent me this from the Editorial Board of Investors Business Daily — I guess I must have...
Case Shiller: Home Prices Fell 3.4% Year-over-Year