Washinton Post: Dear Santa SEC, Congress, White House


My Sunday Washington Post column is out. Its on the front page of the business section this holiday morning, looking at what Investors are hoping to get from Santa this year.

The print version had the headline Dear Santa, SEC, Congress, White House, while the online version used What investors are hoping to find under their trees.

Here’s an excerpt from the column:

“Despite another trying year, investors have been good little boys and girls. We faithfully made contributions to our retirement accounts but have little to show for the effort. We maxed out our tax-deferred IRAs and 401(k)s and managed to keep our costs down. We even reduced our tendency to overtrade.

It mostly has been for naught. It doesn’t seem like any of our holiday wishes have been granted over the past decade.

All we want for Christmas is to get back to break-even.

Rather than mailing you directly and hoping for the best, this year I decided to publish my holiday list in this newspaper. (In Washington, this is called a “well-placed leak.”)

Here is the short list of what investors are hoping to find under their trees.”>

The column then discusses the 10 things investors are hoping for.

I really like what the Post did in the dead tree version of the paper — they turned the column into a Christmas card!
click for ginormous version of print edition



What investors are hoping to find under their trees
Barry Ritholtz
Washington Post, December 23, 2011 Print December 25, 2011

Washington Post Sunday, December 25, 2011 page G1 (PDF)

Washington Post Sunday, December 25, 2011 page G6 (PDF)

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