10 Weekend Reads

Some fascinating reads to start your Sunday Morning:

• Who Owns The World’s Financial Assets? And Why Are U.S. Households So Fascinated With Stocks? (Wall Street Rant)
• Chasing the Mirage of Hedge Fund Returns (Forbes)
George Soros: How to Save the Euro  (NY Review of Books)
• Why Tech Stocks Look Better—Even for the Risk Averse (WSJ)
• The one percent war (Reuters Magazine) see also NJ Gov Chris Christie to the 1%: Please Occupy New Jersey (WSJ)
• GDP growth still not enough to get back to full employment (Washington Post)
• Legal Foreclosure Issue two-fer:
…..-Arizona attorney general: Bank of America impeding investigation (Phoenix Biz Journal)
…..-Bill takes aim at Colorado foreclosures (Denver Post)
• The Office: Can It Be Fixed? (Grantland)
• How Siri is ruining your cellphone service (Washington Post)
• N.Y. Airports Account for Half of All Flight Delays (NYT)

What are you reading with Sunday morning coffee?


U.S. Economy Picks Up Steam

Source: WSJ

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