Richard Feynman: The Pleasure of Fnding Things Out

THE PLEASURE OF FINDING THINGS OUT, Richard Feynman Interview (1981)

BBC Horizon/PBS Nova THE PLEASURE OF FINDING THINGS OUT, Richard Feynman Interview (1981)

Fifty minutes of PURE Feynman! This is the original Horizon Nova interview – essential for any Feynman fan… and for everyone else too!

“I’m an explorer, OK I like to find out!” Richard Feynman, physicist and adventurer extraordinary…

THE PLEASURE OF FINDING THINGS OUT was filmed in 1981 and will delight and inspire anyone who would like to share something of the joys of scientific discovery. Feynman is a master storyteller, and his tales — about childhood, Los Alamos, or how he won a Nobel Prize — are a vivid and entertaining insight into the mind of a great scientist at work and play.

“The 1981 Feynman Horizon is the best science program I have ever seen. This is not just my opinion – it is also the opinion of many of the best scientists that I know who have seen the program… It should be mandatory viewing for all students whether they be science or arts students.”
– Professor Sir Harry Kroto, Nobel Prize for Chemistry

BBC Horizon/PBS Nova

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