10 Monday PM Reads

My afternoon train reading:

• Ray Dalio: Man and machine (Economist)
• The end of cheap China (Economist) see also China Inflation May Provide Room for Stimulus: Economy (Bloomberg)
• Warren Buffett on how to con the media (Market Watch)
• Who Is Rich These Days? The Income Gap Myth (The Fiscal Times) see also Inequality by County (NYT)
• Why Job Growth Is Likely to Slow (WSJ) Why Job Growth Is Likely to Slow (Economix)
• The Koch Brothers, The Cato Institute, And Why Nations Fail (The Baseline Scenario)
• For tablet computer visionary Roger Fidler, a lot of what-ifs (Washington Post) see also Amazon’s brilliant plan to pay you crazy money for your iPad 2 (Pando Daily)
• The Case(s) Against Law School (NY Mag)
• Apple Wins Patent for iWallet: The one that will rule the World (Patently Apple)
• No Pulse: How Doctors Reinvented The Human Heart (Popsci)

What’s on your outdated already tablet?


GDP Percentage (Changes Year over Year) forecasts

Source: The Economist

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