Spring Has Sprung

Interesting foliage in our nape of the neck of the woods: Usually, the Forsythia are the only things blooming mid to late March. A handful of Crocus and other flowers start shooting up early, but the big stuff waits until late April (as in April Showers brings May flowers).

Not this year: The Magnolia trees are already in full bloom. We had one of these beauties at our old house — they are gorgeous (but drop an inordinate amount of blossoms in the spring, then another foliage deluge comes in the Fall).

The Pear Trees have exploded in white flowers everywhere, Cherry Blossoms are out in their full pinkish glory. Some of the Weeping Willows are budding and flowering.

Say what you will about Global Warming, it makes the growing seasons longer and the winter shorter. Good time to be a [Northern Latitude] farmer; bad time to own a ski resort . . .

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