10 Monday PM Reads

Afternoon reads from 35,000 feet:

• Why the Smart Money Looks Dumb (Barron’s) see also Uh-Oh: Subprime Lending Comes Roaring Back (Time)
• George Soros: eurozone crisis has entered a ‘more lethal phase'(Guardian)
• The US Has the Highest Share of Employees in Low Wage Work (Economist’s View)
• Corruption Is Why You Can’t Do Your Taxes in Five Minutes (Republic Report)
• Gorman’s Lonely Quest to Save Wall Street’s Honor (Bloomberg)
• A slightly off-center perspective on monetary problems. (The Money Illusion)
• Liberals and conservatives don’t just vote differently. They think differently. (Washington Post)
Truth or Consequences: George W. Bush & the National Guard (Texas Monthly)
• Why Everyone Believes in Magic (Even You) (Live Science)
• CarrierCompare: The iPhone app your carrier doesn’t want you to see (CNN Money)

What are you hoping to read sometime soon?


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