Beijing/Shanghai iOS Penetration Rate


What is iOS penetration (Apple’s iPhone and iPad) in all Chinese provinces and municipalities?

Stenvall Skoeld & Company culled data from several sources, including China mobile research firm Umeng:

“How long will it take before your average Chinese Zhou can expect to own a villa in the suburbs and two cars? A long time no doubt. But it seems the Chinese dream already includes things like iPhones and iPads.

The character of the Chinese economic model is changing. Since the beginning of China’s economic reforms, growth has been driven by investment and exports. Growth in “New China” will be driven by domestic consumption, including service industries like retail, domestic transportation, travel, leisure and health care. Or at least that is the plan.”

Interesting stuff . . .



iOS Penetration Rate Reaches 10% in Beijing and Shanghai
Carl-Johan Skoeld
China strategy and M&A advisory, April 6, 2012

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