Sunday Morning Reads

A few longer reads for a cloudy NY Sunday morning:

• IPO stands for ‘it’s probably overpriced’ (Marketwatch)
• The Hunch, the Pounce and the Kill (NYT)
• Buying a Piece of America: Why Chinese Shoppers Love U.S. Brands (The Atlantic) see also The Year That Changed Retailing Forever (Bloomberg)
• An Alternative to Hedge-Fund Alternatives (Barron’s)
• Health Bargain Hunters Use Websites to Cut Doctor Bills (Bloomberg)
Martin Wolf: Lunch with the FT: Paul Krugman (
•  Playboy goes West (Prospect Mag)
How Banks Bought the Tea Party: Cash Transforms Populist Insurgents To Reliable Vote For Financial Industry (Think Progress)
• The myth of English as a global language (Times Literary Supplement)
• The wrong Carlos: how Texas sent an innocent man to his death (The Guardian)

What are you reading over brunch?

JPM Morgan’s Risk Strategy

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