Washington vs The Middle Class

A list of middle-class miseries by economist David Rosenberg (as told by Anthony Mirhaydari)

• Forty-five million Americans (one in seven) are on food stamps.

• One in seven is unemployed or underemployed.

• The percentage of those out of work defined as long-term unemployed is the highest (42%) since the Great Depression.

• 54% of college graduates younger than 25 are unemployed or underemployed.

• 47% of Americans receive some form of government assistance.

• Employment-to-population ratio for 25- to 54-year-olds is now 75.7%, lower than when the recession “ended” in June 2009.

• There are 7.7 million fewer full-time workers now than before the recession, and 3.3 million more part-time workers.

• Eight million people have left the labor force since the recession “ended” — adding those back in would put the unemployment rate at 12% instead of 8.2%.

• The number of unemployed looking for work for at least 27 weeks jumped 310,000 in May, the sharpest increase in a year.

• Just 14% of high-school graduates believe they will have a more successful financial future than their parents.

• The male unemployment rate for ages 16 to 19 is 27%; for ages 20 to 24, it is 13%.

• Because of structural problems such as negative home equity (which keeps people from moving for work) and skills erosion (from long-term unemployment), UBS economists estimate that the economy’s natural unemployment rate has increased from 5.7% before the recession to 8.6% now. This acts as a speed limit on potential economic growth.

• Between 2007 and 2010, median family net worth fell nearly 40%, while median inflation-adjusted incomes before taxes fell nearly 8%.



Washington vs. the middle class
Anthony Mirhaydari
MSN Money, 6/13/2012

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