10 Weekend Reads

Some longer form reads for your weekend pleasure:

Nov. 9, 1999: Robert Rubin Rewrites the Rules — Prescient! (MoJo)
• The End of the Euro Is Not About Austerity (Economix) see also The tragedy-of-the-commons at the European Central Bank and the next rescue (Vox EU)
Surface: Between a Rock and a Hardware Place (Daring Fireball)
• Economists find evidence for famous hypothesis of ‘comparative advantage’ (MIT News)
• The patent system is in crisis, and it endangers the future of software development in the United States. Let’s create a system that defends innovation, instead of hindering it. (Defend Innovation)
Doctor’s Orders: Vibrators and other sex toys are—no pun intended—big business (LA Mag)
Forget Edison: This is How History’s Greatest Inventions Really Happened (The Atlantic)
• Homeownership Means Little to Economic Growth (Atlantic Cities)
• Vanishing Languages: One language dies every 14 days (National Geographic)
• In Praise of Leisure (Chronicle)
‘I Just Want to Feel Everything’: Hiding Out With Fiona Apple, Musical Hermit (Vulture)

What are you mulling over this weekend?


2012 Forecasted Debt to GDP Ratio

Source: Chart of the Day

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