10 Tuesday AM Reads

My early morning reads:

• Trickle of Libor lawsuits from rate-fixing scandal likely to become deluge (Washington Post) see also Bank of America, Barclays, Credit Suisse Sued Over Libor (Businessweek)
Bartlett: The Fed Should Stop Paying Banks Not to Lend (Economix)
• What would Keynes do? (BBC News) see also Procyclicalists Across the Atlantic Too (Jeff Frankels Blog)
• Corn for Food, Not Fuel (NYT)
• Questioning El-Erian (Reuters) see also Bill Gross on Cult Figures (PIMco)
• Why being bad is better on Wall Street (MarketWatch)
• Tiger Management Helps Next-Generation Funds (DealBook)
• The Other Barbarians at the Gates (NY Mag) see also U.S. Army Purchases Riot Gear As Fears Over Civil Unrest Grow (Info Wars)
• Guy Adams: I thought the internet age had ended this kind of censorship (Independent)
• Facebook ‘likes’ and adverts’ value doubted (BBC News)

What are you reading?

Presidential Election Year Markets

Source: BeSpoke

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