10 Thursday PM Reads

My afternoon Baltic reads:

• Behold, the British establishment, panicked (BBC News) see also Libor, the universe and everything (FT.com)
• BRICs Priced for Economic Meltdown (Bloomberg)
• We must inject some capitalism into banks (Telegraph) see also Barclays libor scandal: lock ’em up  (Telegraph)
• How Wall Street Scams Counties Into Bankruptcy (Bloomberg)
• 10 explosive bubbles that will kill capitalism (Market Watch)
• Rich Guys Facing Jail Time Can Still Win a Break (Bloomberg but see also Poor Land in Jail as Companies Add Huge Fees for Probation (NYT)
• How To Track Amazon.com Fluctuating Prices (Maximizing Money)
• Roberts switched views to uphold health care law (CBS News)
You’re Addicted to What? (The Humanist)
• Physicists Find Elusive Particle Seen as Key to Universe (NYT)

What are you reading?


Why Health-Spending Trend Matters

Source: WSJ

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