10 Midweek AM Reads

As I await the sun burning off the morning mist, this is what I am reading:

• Rich Chinese leaving the country, and why that matters to the economy (Also Sprach Analyst)
• How ticker symbols predict stock-market success (Market Watch)
• Chances of QE3 Diminishing (Tim Duy’s Fed Watch)
• How Volcker Launched His Attack on Inflation (Bloomberg)
• SP 500 – Telling Action (Jesse’s Café Américain)
• Is The “Bad News” Really Good? (Alhambra Partners) see also Back in the Economic Danger Zone (Financial Armageddon)
• Private Equity: A Government Sponsored Enterprise (Naked Capitalism)
• Europe Pressures Intensify (WSJ) see also Bank of England deputy governor Paul Tucker warned banks they could collapse ‘before Christmas’ (Telegraph)
• From Citizens United to Super PACs: A Campaign Finance Reading Guide (ProPublica)
• In Tight Race, Romney Faces Hurdles (WSJsee also Why Obama Must Schmooze or Lose (New Yorker)

What are you reading?


Giant Apple

Source: Economist

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