10 Monday PM Reads

My sunny California reads, 3 hours behind y’all:

• Wizard of ETFs (Barron’s)
• Why are Global Macro hedge funds struggling? (Behavioral Macro) see also One Word Sums Up Finance in 2012: Layoffs (FINS)
Mark Cuban: Which USA do you work in ? (Blog Maverick)
• For Europe’s Economy, a Lost Decade Looms (NYT) see also Europe’s tired engine (Economist)
The Weekend Journal: Six Investment Moves to Make Now (WSJ)
• The Engagement Economy (Deloitte)
• Quelle Surprise! SEC Plans to Make the World Safer for Fraudsters, Push Through JOBS Act Con-Artist-Friendly Solicitation Rules (Naked Capitalism)
• Playing the Long Dividend Game (WSJ) see also Thirst for Yield Drives Munis (WSJ)
• Humanities aren’t a science. Stop treating them like one. (Scientific American)
• The Joys and Hazards of Self-Publishing on the Web (NYT)

What are you reading?



Thirst for Yield Drives Munis

Source: WSJ

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