The Ridiculous Comment

Lately, there’s been an uptick in a specific type of foolishness, and I wanted to address it: The ridiculous comment. You don’t see too many of them around these parts, because I simply don’t allow them.

I really don’t care what your views are about global warming or the CRA or what really happened on 9/11. If you want to push a nonsense narrative, you can 1) start your own blog; 2) join a community of liked minded loons; 3) comment on the blogs that don’t care about (capital “T”) Truth.

Sunspots cause global warming? The CRA caused the crisis? Its actually getting colder? Congress mandated NINJA loans? Bush ordered 9/11?

Go sell crazy elsewhere, we are not buying.

Here is the thing: I don’t have time to vet every comment — there have been nearly 400k of them. The default setting is comment moderation, and most people move off that status. (I have better things to do than moderate comments). You have to really go out of your way on the wrong/creepy/jackass scale to get put onto the permanent blacklist. But once you cross that threshold, your done. I have no time or patience to deal with your ongoing nonsense.

5 years ago, I gave Scott Adams some good advice (here). I am following it myself.  My apologies to those of you who get caught in the filters . . .

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