Blog Redesign Update

I mentioned last month that I was getting ready to do a major update to the site.

I’m now working through the second iteration of the design concept. So far, we’ve gotten rid of the Tabs and most of the clutter. The color scheme and design language are still being worked through.

Some of the changes that I really like:

-Replacing most of the full length posts with a headline and a few sentences, expand on click;

-New mobile version for tablets and smart phones (iPad/iPhone)

-Much faster load times;

-Radically simplified navigation;

-Using Icons to replace/identify 4 subjects previously in Tabs: Think Tank, Video, BookShelf and Weekend.

-Tighter integration of Social Media, RSS and Email into the design

-Cleaner & lighter layout

-Creation of a new email newsletter than the blog.

Lots more in the hopper, I hope to launch full new version sometime in October. I will keep the updates coming as things develop . . .

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