10 Mid-Week AM Reads

My morning reads:

• Why your house is worth more (or less) (Washington Post)
• Neuberger Berman showed how to survive a Wall Street meltdown (Fortune)
• Sheila Bair, in new book, faults Obama and Bush advisers during financial crisis (Washington Post)
• Judge Rakoff delivers enormous gift to MBS bond insurers, noteholders (Reuters)
• Comparing the Job Losses in Financial Crises (Economix)
• A time of hoarding and inflation fears, 1930s edition (FT Alphaville)
• Fed Helps Lenders’ Profit More Than Homebuyers (Bloomberg) see also ROSENBERG says Housing Recovery Is Doubtful, And Won’t Help The Economy (Business Insider)
• Measuring iPhone demand (Asymco)
Your body clock: The Peak Time for Everything (WSJ)
• Did “Louie” kill the sitcom? (Salon)

What are you of atoning for?


Debt Rally Is Welcome News

Source: WSJ

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