Big Picture Conference Tickets Reader Contest!

We are giving away 10 tickets to TBP readers for the upcoming conference — an $895 value.

To enter: Tweet the link to this page, adding the hashmark #TBPconference. Post this link and hashmark to your Facebook, Google Plus, and LinkedIn pages. (Or Tweet the hashmark + this link: )

We will select the 5 people who generate the most retweets of that link by the end of this week, as well as 5 random readers who repost the link.

Full conference schedule is after the jump

Eventbrite - The Big Picture Conference 2012

The Big Picture Conference
Wednesday, October 10, 2012 from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM (EDT)
Sentry Centers (TIAA-CREF Bldg)
730 Third Ave. New York, NY 10017


8:00 Registration and Breakfast in the Atrium

8:30 Introductions

8:45 Neil Barosfsky
Bailout: An Inside Account of How Washington Abandoned Main Street While Rescuing Wall Street

9:30 Dylan Grice in conversation with Rich Yamarone
A Great Disorder Comes

10:15 –break–

10:30 James O’Shaugnessy
What Works on Wall Street

11:15 Barry Ritholtz
This is your brain on stocks

12:00 Lunch sponsored by TD Ameritrade served in the Atrium

1:00 David Rosenberg
State of the Economy

1:45 Jim Bianco
Stocks or Bonds

2:30 Michael Belkin
Reality vs. Wishful Thinking: Bear Markets and the Business Cycle, a 110 Year View

3:15 –break–

3:30 Bill Gurtin
Municipal Bonds

4:15 Sal Arnuk, Scott Patterson & Josh Brown
High Frequency Trading and Its Discontents

5:00 Networking with Wine & Cheese served in the Atrium

Eventbrite - The Big Picture Conference 2012

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