10 Tuesday PM Reads

My afternoon train reading:

• Citigroup Board Said to Oust Pandit After Multiple Setbacks (Bloomberg)
• Fund Manager Jean-Marie Eveillard Interview (King World News)
• Fears over US mortgages dominance (Financial Times) see also Fading into the refi boom horizon? (FT Alphaville)
• Warning: Money + politics = ticking time bomb (MarketWatch)
• Marriage as an Economic Problem (Slate)
• Why is it so hard to give up on hoping that facts speak for themselves? (Boundary Vision)
• What happens when decisions go wrong? (Farnam Street)
• Transforming Medicare into a Premium Support System: Implications for Beneficiary Premiums (Kaiser Family Foundation)
• Construction of the Hoover Dam, 1931-1936 (Retrenaut)
• Sheila Bair: 5 questions for the candidates on finance reform (CNN)

What are you reading?

Home Loans May Get Shield

Source: WSJ

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